Please remember that we made changes to the Wi-Fi.
Staff and faculty should use NTHS-STAFF - You can find instructions here.
Students will use NTHS-STUDENT using an access key that was emailed to them previously. If you have students having difficulties connecting to NTHS-STUDENT, they can temporarily connect to NTHS-STUDENT-TEMPORARY (no access key needed) but please refer them to the Help Desk or the AAL Help Desk to solve their WiFi issues.
NTHS-STUDENT-TEMPORARY will disabled in the coming weeks, encourage your students to use their access keys. Next week students will need to acknowledge a pop-up window notifying them to switch over.
Just to reiterate why this Wi-Fi changes were needed. We seek to improve our wireless speed and security as explained on our November Technology Newsletter.
Just to reiterate why this Wi-Fi changes were needed. We seek to improve our wireless speed and security as explained on our November Technology Newsletter.
Please contact the Help Desk if you have any questions.
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