's newest Beta Test: PLIX

What’s a PLIX? 
PLIX are byte-sized modalities to “Play, Learn, Interact, and Explore” a concept. PLIX help students gain a deeper understanding of the concepts through interaction. They focus on one or two relationships versus more complex interactions like those modeled in simulations.

Can I try it?
Sure, play with hundreds of PLIX here:

How can I use it?
We encourage you to use it in a way that helps you. Recommended ways are: 
  • As a warm-up when introducing a concept
  • As a chance to explore more after being introduced to a concept and to gain a deeper understanding
  • As a review of a topic
  • As a fun homework assignment
  • As a demonstration of a real world example of math or science
How can I help spread the word about it?
Please let your fellow teachers/colleagues know via teacher forums, email and share on Facebook, Twitter using #plix.

Where do I provide feedback?
Please email; we value every piece of feedback, so keep it coming!
