Infinite Campus - new at District 219!

Infinite Campus has replaced Pinnacle SIS and Pinnacle Web/Gradebook for the 2014-2015 school year (following a very successful pilot during Summer School!).  

In addition to the Technology Department resources (PDC & Help Desk) in each building, curriculum departments will have one or more teachers who have been trained as Gradebook Coaches, to assist teachers in the day-to-day usage of the new system.  

Just as in the past, students and parents will have online access to grades, assignments, and attendance - this will be done using the Campus Portal.  One key difference between this and our previous system is that parents will create their own account  instead of sharing it with the student.  Teachers can even see when a student or parent last logged into the Portal!  

Additionally, we will be utilizing the Infinite Campus Food Service system in our school cafeterias.  The exciting thing about this change is that parents can see lunch purchase detail and fund their students’ account directly from the Campus Portal.  They no longer need to go to a separate system for food service information!

In today’s ever-changing industry of K12 education, many school districts need technology to streamline business processes - and Niles Township High Schools  is no exception as we join a growing number of Infinite Campus customers in the state of Illinois.
