Digital Learning Day is about giving every child the opportunity to learn in a robust digital environment everyday, with the goal of success in college and a career. We urge you to make a difference with digital learning in America's schools and take the pledge to support the effective use of technology to improve education for all students.
Celebrate Digital Learning Day in your classroom, explore these resources or visit the PDC for ideas / support.
Atomic Learning offers a large library of on-demand video content and pre-made lesson primers. Direct students to specific videos as a flipped learning resource, an introduction for a lesson or find resources to support classroom activities.
Google Chrome is more than just a browser. Explore Apps and Extensions to leverage the power of the cloud without the need to search and download programs to multiple computers. Apps and extensions follow a user from device to device, so no more "which machine was I using?" moments. Many apps integrate with Drive, so projects are saved alongside all your documents.
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