Winter Sessions for Tech 1 & Tech 2

Tech 1 Blended: Tools and Applications 
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 4pm at Niles West 

This face to face course will take you through activities that will introduce you to the tools of the new Internet: Web 2.0. These tools are bringing our kids in touch with the entire world through social networking, wikis, video, podcasting, and gaming sites. Each session there is a new set of tools for you to learn about, experiment and use. Content will include an examination of technology integration using various application tools, instructional software, productivity software, and Web 2.0 / Internet. Participants will also identify relative advantages for choosing tools and applications and resources to draw upon in developing their own technology integration activities.

Tech 2 Blended: Technology Integration, Tools, Strategies, and Assessment

Thursday, January 23, 2014 4pm at Niles West

This is an intensive course where participants will develop an online delivery based learning unit for/with their students and a plan to work with other educators in their school/district to disseminate what they have learned. The project work focuses on creating an environment where students direct their own learning to investigate authentic / real-world issues using the Internet to communicate and collaborate.

To register, follow this link to 219 Univeristy:
