“Advances in technology have drastically changed the way we interact with the world and each other. The digital age requires that we understand and are able to harness the power of technology to live and learn.” --- ISTE 2012
Part of this understanding is allowing students to gauge their technology literacy. At the start of the second semester, the class of 2017, and all subsequent classes, will have their Atomic Learning digital literacy scores posted in the “Scores and Awards” section of the ILP. These scores help determine areas of proficiency and deficit, providing a baseline for student improvement over the next four years. Students will have four more opportunities throughout their high school career to complete the assessment and improve their final score. The scores are displayed in their Individual Learning Plan (ILP), which can be printed out and used to supplement their college portfolio.
Students viewing their Digital Literacy scores in the ILP will have access to a host of online resources to help them improve their scores in addition to services provided by the Tech Leaders at the AAL Helpdesk.
The Atomic Learning Digital Literacy Assessment questions are aligned with ISTE Standards (formerly the NETS) for students , which are being adopted all over the world.
“Living in a digital world, the importance of technology is indisputable.” --- ISTE 2012
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