AAL Update

Incoming freshmen will be given Chromebooks on August 15 (West), and August 16 (North). We’re excited about the Chromebooks’ many capabilities and think you will be excited too. A student can start working on a Google Doc within 35 seconds of starting a Chromebook.

Please regularly check the AAL website and the Tech Leaders’ blog to learn about all of the training opportunities for students. We’re also on Twitter. We’ll have a full complement of training opportunities and important news bulletins throughout the year.

And as always, please stress to your students the importance of buying the optional insurance for damage or theft. The rates have gone down, but the policy remains the same. Remember, teachers can buy this coverage as well.

Sophomore, juniors, and seniors should all have working netbooks and the expectation to bring the device to class when required remains true. Teachers should outline this fact to the incoming freshman. If you have students with netbook problems, send them to the Help Desk for repair. As usual, if we can’t repair a netbook within a class period, we’ll issue a loaner.

All juniors and seniors are encouraged to bring their netbooks to the Help Desk updates in order to have the latest software.

If you have students who have lost their netbook, you can work with the deans to make sure that these students complete the proper theft/loss report and  pick up their replacement netbooks from the Student Help Desk. There isn’t any reason a student should be without a netbook or a Chromebook in your class.

As always, feel free to contact the AAL Help Desk if you have questions.
