Serif Design Suite

Serif Design Suite

Check out the newly acquired Serif Design Suite.  With a variety of easy to use tools suited for classroom and instructional projects, it is worth a few minutes of your time. 

Page Plus - Desk Top Publishing
Create professional-quality documents with a range of cross-curricular tools in PagePlus X6 – and not just for print. As well as brochures and posters, students can produce interactive documents like PDFs and eBooks for sharing on screen with the very latest technologies.

Draw Plus - Drawing & Graphics
Get creative and produce high-end vector artwork, web graphics and even Flash® animations with flexible tools in DrawPlus X5. Add creative flair to coursework, communicate ideas and encourage conceptual thinking while introducing professional design skills.

Movie Plus - Movie Editing
Capture and create exciting videos in MoviePlus X6 using the latest industry-relevant formats. Easier editing and new high-end tools engage students to communicate ideas, whatever the subject, while learning real-world ICT skills.

Photo Plus - Photo Editing
Transforming photos into sophisticated works of art is easy in PhotoPlus X5. With high-end tools at their fingertips, PhotoPlus inspires students to create professional layered graphics you’d expect from an industry-standard package.

The Suite has online Student Project Resources, and each product includes an excellent template repository with access to many more free options on-line.

In order to optimize your experience, we recommend that you request your roaming profile be disabled. The Help Desk will both install the software and disable your profile upon request.

Also, staff and students are eligible to purchase the same versions at a discounted price.
These are full working versions of the software titles for home use. All prices are inclusive of sales tax.

Any individual Serif program:                                    $15 (each)                    

PagePlus, PhotoPlus, DrawPlus & WebPlus:       $50

PagePlus, PhotoPlus, DrawPlus & WebPlus,
MoviePlus & CraftArtist:                                             $70
