Join CK-12's FlexBook 2.0 Beta Program!
CK-12 Foundation is introducing the next generation FlexBooks system in June. In addition to the current FlexBooks functionality, the new system introduces learning in the form of concepts. Concepts are small units of content that can be used to learn or review a particular topic.
We are inviting friends of CK-12 to explore our new system and help us improve by providing valuable feedback. The system is a work in progress and, with your help, we hope to make the product better. Regular updates will be made based on your feedback.
To get started click on "Start Now" below and create an account. (Existing CK-12 accounts are not a part of the new system yet, so you will need to create an account specific to this new system.) Be sure to provide us with feedback about your experience by visiting our feedback page!
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