10-20-11TCSIMinutes.doc |
Technology Committee for School Improvement
Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:00-5:30pm
District Office Board Room
The Niles Township High Schools District 219’s Technology Committee for School Improvement met on Thursday, October 20, 2011 in the District 219 Technology Center Conference Room. In attendance were: Matt Fahrenbacher, Josef Neumayer, Mike Beeftink, David Ruth, Liz Shay, Toby Greenwalt, Kubrat Vrachanski, Chris Powell, Phil Lacey, Mike Utter, Judy Duesenberg, Keith Shaffer, Dr. Sheri Doniger, Florence Yun, Carol Rahim, and Guy Ballard. Absent were: Angie Condon and Joseph Edwards.
All materials are posted at https://sites.google.com/a/d219.org/tcsi/
Mr. Ballard took a moment to introduce Liz Shay, Special Education teacher at Niles North; Florence Yun and Carol Rahim, Niles West parents; and Sara Beladi and Sarah Benjamin, Niles North Student Government representatives, to the group.
April 21, 2012 has been set at the date for the District 219 Technology Conference. Last year’s conference at Niles North was very successful. This year’s conference will be held at Niles West. Planning is still in the early stages.
Mr. Ballard informed the group that a new procedure was in development to address the rise in iOS devices in use throughout the district. This procedure was drafted in response to the large number of requests for iPads during the 2011-2012 Technology Innovations grants.
The procedure states that the Technology Department is not responsible for the support or maintenance of any portable iOS devices, such as iPads and iPod/iTouch. Any such devices issued will be that department’s responsibility, including creating an iTunes account ( which will be connected to the authorized user(s) d219 email address) and adding funds to that iTunes account for purchasing of apps. Maintenance, such as system updates and any repairs, will be the responsibility of the end-user as agreed upon by their department chief. Accessories, data plans, etc. are the responsibility of the authorized user(s).
Mrs. Yun suggested that iOS devices issued for communal use should not be allowed to sync their D219 accounts with those devices.
Each year District 219 sponsors the Technology Innovations Grant which provides $25,000 in competitive funding at Niles North and Niles West/Central for teachers to be more innovative in the classroom. The application process closed on Friday, October 14, 2011 and all submissions were presented to the committee to decide upon.
All members present broke into groups based, upon building, to decide on funding. All requester will be notified by a TCSI representative of the committee’s decisions.
As a general rule; requests for classroom printers were not approved. The Technology Department will assess the walk-up print kiosks and install additional printers in common areas for student use.
There were several requests for document cameras. Mr. Ballard suggested evaluating various makes and models to determine one device that will meet the requester’s needs.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Daphne Watson
Secretary for the Committee
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