The other day I felt strangely “outdated” when, of all the people around the table, I was the only one not using Chrome. A few days later I was reminded that Firefox was perhaps the most popular browser among our faculty but I also know that IE (Internet Explorer) is widely used around our District. Today, I write to you using the new Firefox 4 (it has been out for 4 days and it already claims over 9 million downloads!).
The choice of what browser we end up using in our daily lives is a personal preference and we stick with it. But, by doing so, perhaps we fail to test different waters and may be missing some newer browser features that could enhance our Internet experience. For the next year, you will be at the driver’s seat. Your desktop will have 3 different browsers installed and it will be up to you to try them and make your choice. We will install IE8, for this is the “works better” browser for the new SIS ( Student Information System). You will also have a newer version of Firefox which promises to be more agile than the version that we use today. Finally there is Google Chorme, which is a the perfect companion for Google docs and email.
Not sure which way to go? I suggest you visit and watch some previews and demonstration videos of these browsers and their features.
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