Tech 1, Test-out Option

This option is intended for teachers who are unable to take the “Tech 1 Face-to-Face” or the “Tech 1 Hybrid” courses.  By “testing out,” teachers can demonstrate proficiency in the material covered in Tech 1 that many faculty and students use. These teachers will not receive a permanent netbook unless they enroll and complete the Tech 2 course.

Teachers who wish to “test-out” must submit the following materials to Phil Lacey, Director of Instructional Technology Services, for review.  Make arrangements with Dr. Lacey to share your portfolio.

Please submit a minimum of 3 lesson plans.  Your 3 lessons must use: 
  • Google Apps (any of the following: mail, docs, calendar, sites, etc.)
  • Moodle
AND three of the following:
  • Social Bookmarking: Develop a collection of on-line resources using a social bookmarking tool and tagging techniques.
  • Digital Citizenship: Discuss the benefits and dangers of on-line social networking in an education environment
  • Wikis: Develop a wiki for classroom use (share a link)
  • Blogs: Demonstrate the use and resources that you gather using a RSS aggregator.
  • Podcasting: Develop an engaging podcast of a classroom lecture.
  • Digital storytelling: Develop and engaging video for classroom use.
  • FOSS: (Free and Open Source Software): Produce and exhibit an article which was created with an open-source tool
The lessons or materials should align to the International Society for Technology in Education’s NETS standards (

Teachers are encouraged to go to the PDC and/or get help from Tech 1 trained colleagues to modify their lessons before submission, if needed.
