The Winter schedule has been published and you can now register.
Tech 1: Technology Tools and Apps for the Classroom begins Thursday January 6 at Niles North in the IRC South Classroom from 4 - 7:30.
Tech 1 Hybrid: Technology Tools and Apps for the Classroom: The first day (1/06) and the last two days (2/15 & 2/17) of the course are mandatory face-to-face meeting days from 4 - 7:30pm at Niles North in Room 1500. The first day we'll spend getting you up and running with Moodle and all the resources you will need during the course. However, the bulk of the course will occur through virtual instruction. There will be specific assignments with firm deadlines submitted via Moodle, culminating in a final project to be presented to the whole group during our last two meetings.
Tech 2: Technology Integration: Tools, Strategies and Assessment begins Monday January 5th at Niles West in Room 1510 from 4:00 - 7:30. We will be providing you with most of the resources you will need during the course.
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