2013 Spring Cleaning for a Guilt-Free Summer

There are just a few weeks left in the school year and now is the time to do little “spring cleaning.” Each summer the computers are wiped clean, inside and out, so it is important to move any files you may have stored on your machine's hard drive to your J-drive, to a thumb drive or burn it to a CD . Please do not wait until the last minute. Any files left in your local machine will be lost when we re-image it. If you need assistance, please visit the PDC. While you are in the mode of cleaning up drives; review the contents of your J-Drive. If there are files you haven’t used in a while, burn them to a CD or thumb drive and delete them off the network to regain that valuable storage space. OR, move them up to “the cloud” and your Google Docs storage space. 

Also, help us get your computers ready for next year. Make sure that you complete the “Software Re-install Request for 2013-2014" form to notify us of your software needs for 2013 -2014.
